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My Friend Blocked Me On Facebook, How Do I Unblock Myself?

How to Unblock Someone on Facebook? 2019 InstaFollowers
My Friend Blocked Me On Facebook, How Do I Unblock Myself?

My Friend Blocked Me on Facebook, How Do I Unblock Myself?


Are you in a situation where your friend has blocked you on Facebook? Do not worry, it is an issue that can easily be fixed. In this article, you will learn how to unblock yourself on Facebook when a friend has blocked you.

What Does it Mean When You Get Blocked?

When a friend blocks you on Facebook, it means that you have been blocked from accessing their profile, posts, comments, and messages. All of their content will become inaccessible to you and you won’t be able to interact with them.

What Causes Someone to Block You?

There can be many reasons why your friend has blocked you. Perhaps you have said something that offended them, or maybe you have posted something that they do not agree with. It could also be that you have been messaging them too often and they have blocked you in an attempt to stop the communication.

How to Unblock Yourself on Facebook

If you are in a situation where you want to unblock yourself on Facebook, there are a few different methods that you can use. The first is to simply reach out to your friend and ask them to unblock you. This is the most direct approach and can be the most successful, depending on the relationship that you have with your friend.

Option 1: Ask Your Friend to Unblock You

This is the most straightforward way of unblocking yourself on Facebook. All you need to do is reach out to your friend and politely ask them to unblock you. Explain why you were blocked in the first place and apologize if it was something that you said or did.

Option 2: Create a New Account

If your friend refuses to unblock you, then your only option is to create a new account. This is a slightly more complicated process, as you will need to create a new profile, add new friends and post content. However, if you are determined to unblock yourself on Facebook, then it is an option.


Being blocked on Facebook can be a difficult situation to manage, but with the right approach, it can be solved. If your friend has blocked you, then the best thing to do is to reach out and ask them to unblock you. If that does not work, then you can create a new account and start fresh. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand how to unblock yourself on Facebook when a friend has blocked you.

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