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How To Unblock An Email Address On Yahoo Mobile

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How To Unblock An Email Address On Yahoo Mobile

How to Unblock an Email Address on Yahoo Mobile


Most people use their mobile devices to access their email accounts. Yahoo is one of the most popular email service providers, and if you're using it, you may have come across situations where you need to unblock an email address. Fortunately, the process of unblocking an email address on Yahoo mobile is straightforward, and this article will explain how to do it.

Step 1: Access Yahoo Mobile

To begin, you'll need to access Yahoo mobile. You can do this by opening your mobile browser and entering the URL for the Yahoo mobile site. Once you're there, you'll need to log in with your Yahoo account credentials.

Step 2: Open Settings

Once you're logged in, you'll need to open the Settings section. This can be done by selecting the "Settings" option from the menu in the top-right corner of the page.

Step 3: Navigate to Blocked Addresses

Once you've opened the Settings section, you'll need to navigate to the Blocked Addresses page. This can be done by selecting the "Blocked Addresses" option from the list of available settings.

Step 4: Unblock the Email Address

Once you've navigated to the Blocked Addresses page, you'll see a list of all the email addresses you have blocked. To unblock an email address, simply select the checkbox next to it and then click the "Unblock" button.

Step 5: Confirm Unblocking

After you've clicked the "Unblock" button, a confirmation window will appear. Confirm the unblocking by clicking the "Unblock" button in the confirmation window.

Step 6: Verify Unblocking

To verify that the email address was successfully unblocked, you can send a test email to the address. If you receive the test email, then it has been successfully unblocked.


Unblocking an email address on Yahoo mobile is relatively straightforward. All you have to do is access the Yahoo mobile site, open the Settings section, navigate to the Blocked Addresses page, select the email address you want to unblock, and click the "Unblock" button. After that, you can verify that the email address was successfully unblocked by sending a test email to it.

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